University of Pécs

Dottorato di ricerca in Neuroscienze cliniche
4 Years
Tempo pieno
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USD 6.000 / per semester
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La struttura dei programmi di dottorato della Facoltà di Medicina è simile a quella della maggior parte delle università europee e americane. Il titolo di dottorato (PhD), in quanto massima qualifica universitaria, viene conferito dall'Università di Pécs a coloro che hanno dimostrato di aver acquisito competenze pratiche e conoscenze teoriche sufficienti per condurre una ricerca scientifica indipendente.
Le specializzazioni includono:
- Scienze mediche di base
- Scienze mediche cliniche
- Neuroscienze cliniche
- Scienze mediche interdisciplinari
- Scienze Farmacologiche e Farmaceutiche
Procedures for earning the PhD degree
General rules and regulations
- the postgraduate acquisition of knowledge satisfying the requirements for permission to take the PhD final examinations
- passing the PhD final examinations
- demonstrating level skills in English for Specific Purposes
- reaching the minimal impact factor
- writing a doctoral dissertation and defending it
The doctoral dissertation and its defending
- The doctoral dissertation is the documentation of the objectives and methods of the research and the results achieved in the subject area
- in the form of an independent writing written for this purpose, taking up a writing space of at least 50, but no more than 100 pages
- nell'interesse della buona estetica sia della dissertazione che delle tesi, dovranno essere seguite le prassi formate e sviluppate dal Consiglio Nazionale di Accreditamento.
- After the dissertation is submitted, within a month the Doctoral Committee of the Medical Faculty asks two individuals preferably independent of the University of Pécs staff or public employees to act as official referees (hereinafter called opponents).
- The public discussion takes place in the presence of the Judging Committee called by the Doctoral Committee of the Medical Faculty, which consists of the chair, the two opponents, and another two members. The chair must be a professionally competent professor of the Medical Faculty.
- The dissertation can be regarded as "defended" if the total number of points is at least 60% or more of the obtainable points.
- A decision about awarding or rejecting to award the PhD degree is made by the Doctoral Board of the University, after the Doctoral Committee of Medical Faculty has made a declaration in its session following the defense, having taken into consideration the acquired points of the candidate and the reports of the final examination committees.